Guilherme Gerais (b.1987, Londrina, Brazil)
︎ guilhermegerais@gmail.com
︎ @guilhermegerais
2016 - 2018. MFA, Royal School of Arts - KASK. Ghent, Belgium.
2007 - 2009. Bacharel in Visual Arts - Universidade Norte do Paraná. Londrina, Brazil.
2019. The Best of Mr.Chao - A Futurologist Collection. Editora Madalena
2014. Intergalático. Self-Published by Avalanche
2020. "Estranho Estranho". Organizer. @Grafatório, Londrina-Brazil
2021. "Mr.Chao's Pollen Sculptures" - HardDiskMuseum/Tech Art Lab - TAL, online. Support Pro Helvetia South America.
2021. "Kitsch Entanglement" - Notes on a confinement - The Gallery / De Montfort University - Leicester, UK.
2020. "Sensual Fuzz" - Arte em Movimento, SESC Cadeião, Londrina, Brazil
2020. "Audioguia" / "Audioguide" - Arte no Mato, Londrina, Brazil
2020. The Best of Mr.Chao - BackLight Festival. Finland.
2020. The Best of Mr.Chao. Texto-Foto. Casa Contemporânea. São Paulo-Brasil.
2019. The Best of Mr.Chao. Solo Exhibition. SESC Cadeião. Londrina, Brazil.
2018. Group Exhibition. Souterrain. OpenStudios. Antwerp, Belgium.
2018. Group Exhibition.BredaPhoto. Breda, Netherlands.
2018. Graduation Show - Royal School of Arts - KASK, Ghent, Belgium.
2018. Intergalático. The Scrap. Seoul, South Korea.
2017. Half-Natural. Group Exhibition ( See You When The Sun Sets East ). Nest. Ghent, Belgium
2017. Intergalático. Book Exhibition. Look Up At The Sky, EspaiDos, Terrassa, Spain
2017. Intergalático. Book Exhibition. Hirsch Library, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. USA
2016. Intergalático. Book Exhibition. Aperture Foundation. New York. USA
2016. Intergalático. Book Exhibition. PGH Photo, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh. USA
2016. Intergalático. Book Exhibition. Festival de Fotografia de Tiradentes. Brasil.
2015. Z.Group Exhibition at Grafatório, Londrina, Brazil.
2015. Intergalático. Book Exhibition. Lisbon's PhotoBook Fair. Portugal.
2015. Intergalático. Book Exhibition. Fotos Contam Fatos. Galeria Vermelho. São Paulo, Brazil.
2015. Intergalático. Group Exhibition. Power & Illusion. Encontros da Imagem. Braga, Portugal.
2015. Intergalático. Group Exhibition. Paraty em Foco. Paraty, Brazil.
2015. Intergalático. Outdoor Exhibition. Big Pictures. Cincinnati Art Museum. Ohio, USA.
2015. Intergalático. Book Exhibition. Fotografia Europea. The Things One Sees in the Sky. Reggio Emilia, Italy.
2015. Intergalático. Book Exhibition. Tenda Aberta. Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade, São Paulo, Brasil.
2015. Intergalático. Book exhibition. Fotolivros, Uma Seleção Atual . SESC Vila Mariana. São Paulo, Brazil. April 9 to June 14.
2019. Shortlisted for PHMuseum Grant. / The Best of Mr.Chao - A Futurologist Collection.
2018. Shortlisted - Unseen Dummy Award. / The Best of Mr.Chao - A Futurologist Collection Photobook.
2018. Fonds Roger De Conynck. Brussel, Belgium.
2016. Intergalático. Prix Pictet Photography Prize Nominee
2015. Intergalático. Winner - Best Photograhic Series. Paraty em Foco, Brazil
2016. RASGO, residency at @Grafatório, Londrina, Brazil.
2021 © Guilherme Gerais. All rights reserved.